What is KINGDOM Living? (Part 13)
What is KINGDOM Living? (Part 13)

Receive Forgiveness, Compassion, and Intercession Through Unceasing Prayers from Heaven In our faith journey, we are blessed with the incredible opportunity...

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What is KINGDOM Living? (Part 15)
What is KINGDOM Living? (Part 15)

Restoring the Spiritual Disciplines Spiritual Disciplines, when viewed through the lens of God's abundant Grace and the practice of advancing God’s...

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What is KINGDOM LIVING? (Part 11)
What is KINGDOM LIVING? (Part 11)

Learning to Live the “WITH-GOD” LIFE The "WITH-GOD LIFE" is a life changed forever in the presence of God. This life happens when we embrace...

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What is KINGDOM Living? (Part 10)
What is KINGDOM Living? (Part 10)

KINGDOM LIVING is a life built upon THE ROCK and defined by the Father's RADICAL GENEROSITY and Jesus' Self-Giving Love. "Your kingdom come. Your will be...

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What is KINGDOM LIVING? (Part 9)
What is KINGDOM LIVING? (Part 9)

What is KINGDOM LIVING?  KINGDOM LIVING is living as the Father's entrepreneur. He's GIVEN US EVERYTHING we would ever need by Grace, equipped us with...

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What is KINGDOM LIVING? (Part 8)
What is KINGDOM LIVING? (Part 8)

There is a HUMAN on the Throne in Heaven, and His name is JESUS! "fixing our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of faith, who for the joy set before Him...

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What is KINGDOM LIVING? (Part 7)
What is KINGDOM LIVING? (Part 7)

What is KINGDOM LIVING? (Part 7) PRAYER is KINGDOM LIVING. In the Bible, Grace portrays KINGDOM LIVING through a perpetual state of JOY in PRAYER. KINGDOM...

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What is KINGDOM Living? (Part 6)
What is KINGDOM Living? (Part 6)

What is KINGDOM Living? (Part 6) Part 6 is a compelling EXPLORATION of the substance of KINGDOM LIVING. We define KINGDOM LIVING as living with purpose and...

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