
Is the LDS Church a Reflection of Fallen Babylon?

DISCLAIMER: The information you are about to read may be alarming and, for some, traumatic. We proclaim, "Jesus is the only answer!" We believe that the solution to every issue and problem in our lives, no matter what they may be, is to read our Bible. The Bible provides the ultimate truth and guidance for all believers.

Hebrews 4:12 "For the word of God is living and active and sharper than any two-edged sword, and piercing as far as the division of soul and spirit, of both joints and marrow, and able to judge the thoughts and intentions of the heart."


The Book of Mormon is an Absolute Fraud

As recently PROVEN by a former Mormon insider, the Book of Mormon is a 100% absolute fraud—period–end of discussion. This evidence is so damning and so absolute, everything associated with Joseph Smith must now be considered a fraud–EVERYTHING. The actual authorship of the Book of Mormon is known and has been known, and Joseph and everyone after him lied about everything. EVERYTHING! Nothing is true.

Joseph Smith was, is, and will always be a fraud. What is worse, the church leadership has known since the beginning. The LDS Church leadership has undeniable proof. Yet, each month they demand tithes from church members, knowing their original "church doctrine" was a fraud. They have known, they know, and they have worked hard to keep it a secret. All the while, for decades and decades, investing tithing money into various stock portfolios and massive investments worldwide. They cheated and lied from day one. The game is over.

Matthew 7:15 "Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly are ravenous wolves."

Exposing the Truth Behind the LDS Church

Few revelations in religious history have struck with the force and clarity of Lars Nielsen's groundbreaking work, How the Book of Mormon Came to Pass: The Second Greatest Show on Earth. Lars’ compelling exposé dismantles the carefully constructed facade of the LDS Church leadership, revealing a tapestry of deception, fraud, and corruption woven by its leadership over decades.

Nielsen, a former member of the Mormon Church, delves into a treasure trove of documents and evidence that lay bare the fraudulent foundations upon which the church was built. His meticulous research and fearless whistleblowing unveil a scandal that has shaken the very core of the LDS community.

From the dubious origins of the Book of Mormon to the staggering mismanagement of tithing funds, Nielsen's narrative is both a cautionary tale and a call to action for those seeking truth and justice.

How the Book of Mormon Came to Pass is not just a book; it is a beacon for those who have been misled and a testament to the power of truth. As you turn each page, prepare to be enlightened and outraged by the revelations. This is a story of betrayal and redemption, of false prophets and true seekers. It is a story that every member of the LDS Church—and indeed, anyone interested in the integrity of faith institutions—needs to read.

Excerpt: "Joseph Smith's grand illusion, carefully orchestrated and meticulously maintained, crumbles under the weight of incontrovertible evidence. The vaults of the LDS Church, long shrouded in secrecy, have been thrown open, revealing not the divine inspiration its followers believed in, but a masterclass in deception. As each layer of falsehood is peeled away, the undeniable truth emerges: the Book of Mormon was a product of human invention, not divine revelation."

Nielsen's exposé is a clarion call for transparency and accountability, challenging the faithful to confront the uncomfortable truths about their church's history and leadership. This book is more than a revelation; it is a revolution in the understanding of the LDS Church's true nature.

John 8:32 "And you will know the truth, and the truth will make you free."

For a deeper dive into Lars Nielsen's revelations and to understand the full extent of the LDS Church's deception, read How the Book of Mormon Came to Pass: The Second Greatest Show on Earth available here.

The Leadership's Knowledge and Cover-Up

The current and past LDS church leadership have always known the Book of Mormon was a fraud. They gathered and hoarded the evidence and then worked hard to cover it up and keep the truth from EVERYONE, especially the loyal members. A rash of current and former church whistleblowers are revealing the truth.

Consequently, there are now dozens of wildly successful and highly popular Ex-mormon podcasts–they are everywhere. More and more people are exposing the reality that LDS Church leadership has knowingly covered up significant fraud while taking more tithing, which was also invested. From a far it looks like a Mafia scheme. But we think it is THE CURSE OF THE LAW, and the church leadership will pay the price. It was only a matter of time before the truth came out and the deception caught up to them. It always does.

Luke 8:17 "For nothing is hidden that will not become evident, nor anything secret that will not be known and come to light." 

Lack of Biblical Knowledge Among Mormons

I have lived as a Christian man in Utah since July 1997. In all that time, I have yet to meet a current member of the LDS faith who reads and knows their Bible. They may know Mormon doctrine, but they do not know their Bible. On the other hand, I know hundreds, even thousands, of former or ex-Mormons who love the Bible and read it every day. The connection is unmistakable.

2 Timothy 3:16 "All Scripture is inspired by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness."

The Correlation Between Biblical Knowledge and Mormon Membership

I do not know any Mormon Bible scholars. None. How can that be? Why do the Biblical scholars leave the LDS church? I believe they discover the truth. Given the unmistakable facts, there is a direct, concrete, hardcore correlation between biblical knowledge and Mormon membership. The more Bible knowledge, the more the ex-Mormon. One seems to cause the other. The Bible is the common denominator for ex-Mormons.

John 8:32 "And you will know the truth, and the truth will make you free."

The Twin Towers: Babylon is Falling

The Mormon twins David and Lars Nielsen's total impact on the LDS Church leadership is yet to be seen. David is the IRS whistleblower who will be known for bringing down Babylon (the Mormon Church leadership). Lars, David’s twin created the perfect legal brief over eight years, using the church's documents to prove fraud and cover-ups. His book reveals many cover-ups and decades of lies, making it clear that the LDS Church leadership has been corrupt for quite some time.

Jeremiah 9:8 "Their tongue is a deadly arrow; it speaks deceit; with his mouth one speaks peace to his neighbor, but inwardly he sets an ambush for him."

The Oncoming Legal Battles

I foresee vicious attacks from class action lawsuits, with lawyers exposing LDS Church leaders as frauds. It will be easy, because they are frauds. The church leadership will not be able to recover. They have covered up the truth from the beginning, and Joseph Smith proved to be under a curse, specifically the curse of the law. None of Joseph's prophecies about himself or the church materialized–NONE. Instead, he was lynched in a jail cell. He called himself a prophet. Joseph Smith did not see the lynching coming and now he is a dead prophet, who is still misleading people today. Can you imagine his afterlife?

Psalm 146:3 "Do not trust in princes, in mortal man, in whom there is no salvation."

LDS DOCUMENTATION: Joseph Smith is a False Prophet

Joseph Smith is a false prophet. None of his prophecies about himself or the church panned out. Instead, Joseph received vigilant justice. He ripped off and lied to too many people and it finally caught up to him. He did not have the defense of God, instead, Joseph Smith was gunned down by an angry mob. They showed him no mercy. Jesus did not protect Joseph that day in that jail cell. Joseph Smith was, is, and always will be a fraud, and thanks to Lars Nielsen and the LDS secret vaults, the whole world now knows it.

Deuteronomy 18:22 "When a prophet speaks in the name of the Lord, if the thing does not happen or come true, that is the thing which the Lord has not spoken."

The Mormon Doctrine and Jewish Identity

The LDS Church teaches a doctrine proclaiming themselves to be some sort of "reformed Jewish" church, claiming the Jewish patriarchal priesthood order of Aaron and Melchizedek. By doing so, they willingly put themselves back under the law and deny the doctrine of Grace. They believe Jesus was a prophet and the brother of Lucifer, rejecting the notion that Jesus is a member of the Godhead. By their doctrine, clearly Mormons are not Christians and they do not claim to be Christians.

Ephesians 2:8 "For BY GRACE you have been saved through faith; and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God."

A Call to Read the Bible

My statement to the Mormons will always remain the same: "Read your Bible." Many ex-Mormons state the same advice. The LDS Church as an organization IS A CULT. The fastest path out of the LDS Church is to read your Scriptures and ask questions when you find misrepresentations and distortions. Once you start asking questions, it will begin your exit process. The tougher the questions, the faster the departure. I dare you to ask questions about Joseph Smith, and don’t stop asking until they give it too you.

Acts 17:11 "These were more noble-minded than those in Thessalonica, for they received the word with great eagerness, examining the Scriptures daily to see whether these things were so."

LDS DOCUMENTATION: Joseph Smith is a Pedophile

According to evidence presented by BYU and the LDS Church, Joseph Smith was a pedophile. It is challenging to follow the leader of a church who was also a pedophile and wife-stealer. These are facts not in dispute. Joseph Smith was a very bad guy.

Matthew 18:6 "But whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in Me to stumble, it would be better for him to have a heavy millstone hung around his neck, and to be drowned in the depth of the sea."

The Solution Involves Removing the LDS Leadership

There is good news—decentralization. We will explain later.

HIGHEST PRIORITY: The current LDS leadership cannot be trusted and should face justice. When church members learn the depth of the depravity and fraud, they should demand change. The class action lawsuit is the best thing that ever happened to the LDS people. The LDS people are the victims and deserve justice. Once the current leadership is fully exposed they need to leave, turning over the stewardship of the church and all its assets to the Mormon people, the faithful tithers.

In no way, shape, or form should the LDS people be hurt or further abused by the church leadership. The foxes with blood in their mouth cannot guard the chicken coops. Swift, wholesale decentralization is the answer. Remove and replace the current governance and leadership with the people who will then collectively, as a group and family decide their fate. The faithful tithers own the assets that the church leadership has mismanaged. We say, “Return the wealth to those who built it!”

Psalm 37:28 "For the Lord loves justice and does not forsake His godly ones; they are preserved forever, but the descendants of the wicked will be cut off."

A Triple-Win Solution

The perfect solution is to expose and stop the fraud, remove and punish the fraudsters, and allow the church and its members to recover and move forward with a new decentralized leadership structure. The leadership must be punished while the church and its assets can heal and thrive under decentralized leadership, preventing future corruption. We support the class action lawsuits and encourage every tithing member to join the cause!

Romans 12:21 "Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good."

Our position paper presents the stark reality of the state of affairs within the LDS Church. As the Mormon people awaken to the depth of deception from their leadership, they will need mental health support to cope with the trauma related to religious fraud. Can you imagine waking up one day to find out that Joseph Smith did not write the Book of Mormon? Can you imagine then finding out all the lies? People will commit suicide over this. THIS IS NOT GOOD!

There is no reason for the Mormon people to suffer. We recommend a unique solution that benefits all stakeholders (except for the fraudsters in the LDS Church leadership). This solution preserves the church and its assets, ensuring a bright future for its members.

A Decentralized DAO-Based Blueprint for Managing LDS Church Wealth

The LDS Church has fraudulently amassed tremendous wealth, including hundreds of billions of dollars in assets and extensive property holdings. To ensure transparency, accountability, and equitable distribution, this wealth must be transferred from the corrupt management to the rightful owners—the tithers. The perfect solution is a Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO) that empowers the church members to manage these assets democratically and transparently.

Key Components of the DAO-Based Blueprint

1. Establishing the DAO: The DAO will be legally established as a decentralized entity, registered with appropriate authorities to ensure compliance and recognition. A governance token will be created, representing voting power within the DAO. These tokens will be distributed to tithers based on their historical contributions.

Romans 14:12 "So then each one of us will give an account of himself to God."

2. Tokenization of Assets: All church-owned properties will be tokenized, with each property represented as a unique token on the blockchain. These tokens will be fractionalized to allow equitable distribution. Similar tokenization will be applied to precious metals and mining assets, ensuring that each tither has a stake in these valuable resources. The church’s investment portfolios will be transparently tokenized, with detailed records of each investment made accessible to all DAO members.

Psalm 24:1 "The earth is the Lord's, and all it contains, the world, and those who dwell in it."

3. Decentralized Governance: The DAO will implement a democratic voting system where token holders can propose and vote on decisions related to asset management, leadership appointments, and strategic directions. Smart contracts will automate the execution of decisions, ensuring that all transactions and changes are transparent, tamper-proof, and enforceable.

Proverbs 11:14 "Where there is no guidance the people fall, but in abundance of counselors there is victory."

4. Removing Corrupt Elements: Independent audits and investigations will be conducted to identify individuals and organizations complicit in corruption. Those found guilty will be permanently removed from any role within the DAO. Legal actions will be pursued against those responsible for fraud and cover-ups, ensuring justice is served and deterring future misconduct.

Hebrews 10:30 "For we know Him who said, 'Vengeance is Mine, I will repay.' And again, 'The Lord will judge His people.'"

5. Transition and Education: Comprehensive training programs will be developed to educate church members on how to participate in the DAO, understand blockchain technology, and manage their assets effectively.

Mental health support and counseling will be provided to help members cope with the trauma of discovering the fraud and transitioning to the new system.

Proverbs 3:35 "The wise will inherit honor, but fools display dishonor."

6. Ensuring Transparency and Accountability: All transactions, decisions, and changes will be recorded on a public blockchain ledger, accessible to all DAO members to ensure transparency and accountability. Regular financial and operational reports will be published, detailing the status and performance of the DAO-managed assets.

Luke 8:17 "For nothing is hidden that will not become evident, nor anything secret that will not be known and come to light."

Implementation Plan

Phase 1: Initial Setup and Token Distribution - Form the DAO and develop the governance token. Conduct a comprehensive audit of all church assets. Tokenize assets and distribute governance tokens to tithers.

Phase 2: Decentralized Governance Implementation - Establish the voting system and deploy smart contracts. Train members on DAO participation and asset management. Begin independent audits and investigations to remove corrupt elements.

Phase 3: Transition and Support - Provide mental health support and counseling services. Implement training programs for ongoing education. Ensure regular reporting and transparency measures.

Phase 4: Ongoing Management and Accountability - Maintain the public ledger and ensure all transactions are transparent. Publish regular financial and operational reports. Continuously improve the DAO structure and governance based on member feedback.

1 Corinthians 14:40 "Let all things be done properly and in an orderly manner."

This decentralized DAO-based blueprint offers a transparent, accountable, and equitable solution for managing the LDS Church’s wealth. By empowering the tithers through a democratic governance system and ensuring justice for those who have been wronged, this approach not only rectifies past corruption but also lays a strong foundation for a prosperous and honest future for the church and its members.

1 Thessalonians 5:11 "Therefore encourage one another and build up one another, just as you also are doing."

By adopting this decentralized model, the LDS Church can move forward with integrity, ensuring that its wealth is managed in a way that honors the contributions of its members and aligns with the principles of justice and transparency.

Understanding and Addressing Trauma Related to Cults

The Trauma of Leaving a Cult

Trauma is a deeply distressing or disturbing experience that can have lasting effects on an individual's mental, emotional, and physical health. In the context of cults, trauma often stems from psychological manipulation, isolation, and abuse experienced within the group.

Cults often employ psychological manipulation techniques such as mind control, coercive persuasion, and indoctrination. These methods can lead to severe emotional and mental trauma as individuals are conditioned to conform to the cult's beliefs and practices.

Leaving a cult can be incredibly challenging. Members often face confusion, guilt, shame, and fear as they question the beliefs and practices they once held. Realizing they have been deceived and manipulated can lead to a profound identity crisis.

Deprogramming involves helping former cult members to undo the psychological conditioning imposed by the cult. This process can be complex and requires Christcentric professional support, as individuals need to rebuild their sense of self and develop new ways of thinking and relating to the world.

Psalm 147:3 "He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds."

Community Healing in Utah

In Utah, where the LDS Church has a significant presence, the entire community must be part of the healing process. This includes providing space for individuals to process their experiences and offering a safe place to land as they navigate their new reality.

Establishing robust support systems that include mental health professionals, support groups, and faith communities is crucial. These systems can offer counseling, therapy, and spiritual guidance to help individuals heal from their trauma.

Safe spaces are environments where individuals feel secure, accepted, and free to express themselves without judgment. These spaces are essential for former cult members to share their stories, seek support, and begin healing.

It is vital to educate the community about the nature of cults and the trauma they cause. This awareness can foster empathy and understanding, reduce stigma, and promote a supportive environment.

Galatians 6:2 "Bear one another's burdens, and thereby fulfill the law of Christ."

Preparing for Community Healing

It is important to anticipate the needs of former cult members and be prepared to offer support in advance. This includes training Christcentric mental health professionals in trauma-informed care and ensuring that support services are readily accessible.

Healing from cult trauma requires a holistic approach that addresses the emotional, mental, physical, and spiritual aspects of recovery. Integrating various forms of Christcentric spiritual counseling can provide comprehensive support.

Encouraging unity and healing within the community involves promoting forgiveness, reconciliation, and restoration. Focusing on healing the community rather than placing blame or fostering division is essential.

Ephesians 4:32 "And be kind to one another, tender-hearted, forgiving each other, just as God in Christ also has forgiven you."

Balancing Justice and Compassion

While it is important to pursue justice for the victims of fraud and abuse within the LDS Church, it is equally important to approach the healing process with compassion. Ensuring that those responsible are held accountable can help prevent future harm.

Cult survivors need compassion and support as they rebuild their spiritual lives. Providing resources for Biblical counseling, community support, and spiritual guidance can help them recover and move forward.

Psalm 34:18 "The Lord is near to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit."

Healing Together

Healing from the trauma of leaving a cult is a complex and multifaceted process. In Utah, where the impact of the LDS Church is profound, the community must come together to support former members as they navigate their new reality. By providing safe spaces, fostering understanding, and promoting a holistic approach to healing, the community can help individuals recover from their trauma and build a healthier, more supportive environment for all.

Ephesians 3:20 "Now to Him who is able to do far more abundantly beyond all that we ask or think, according to the power that works within us,"

Addressing the trauma related to cults requires a compassionate, informed, and unified approach. By preparing in advance and fostering a supportive community, Utah can help former LDS Church members heal from their experiences and move forward together.

About the Author:
Craig Rogers
Craig Rogers

KINGDOM Empowered CEO and CoFounder

Professional Experience: CEO | KINGDOM Empowered (2020 -...

Professional Experience: CEO | KINGDOM Empowered (2020 - Present) In his role as co-CEO, Craig’s daily mission is to surrender his...